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Ever since I was a kid growing up in the woods of Maryland, I’ve loved nature. I would spend all day with my sister out exploring looking for all the different types of plants and animals. But it wasn’t until my battle with Lyme disease that I started to see the woods in a different light. Ironically it took a disease from nature to bring me even closer to it.

My goal has always been to capture the pure subtle beauty of nature and bring home a small part of it through my photos. In this way I could still feel connected when the world tried to pull me away. I always strive to bring the raw and unaltered version of nature back with me. That is why I never stage my photos and do as little editing as possible, because to me nature doesn’t need to be edited or photoshopped.

My hope is that my photos can bring to you in some way similar feelings that it has brought me, giving you a different view of nature as a whole.